Well Women

The surgery offers a Well-Woman clinic run by our experienced practice nurse team and appointments are available at various times during. Once a week we have a doctor led well women clinic specifically for the purpose of intrauterine device (Coil) and implant insertion.
The nurses are happy to discuss osteoporosis and coronary risk factors, cervical smears, family planning, well-woman and breast checks.
Ladies age 50 to 70, from your practice have been invited for breast screening at Edgware Community Hospital. Screening commenced on 26/03/19, and will continue until 24/05/19. As part of the age extension programme, your surgery has been included in the upper range arm (71-73) for randomisation.
Ladies who missed their appointment can contact the HUB to reschedule and we would ask you to encourage such ladies to do this as those attending for breast screening up to 6 months. This also applies for ladies age 70 upwards who will need to request their mammogram themselves by contacting the HUB. The number is: 0203 758 2024. Ladies can also change their appointment date, time or request another site by completing the appointment request form found on https://www.london-breastscreening.org.uk/home.aspx
You can find out more by visiting these websites:
North London Breast Screening Service
NHS Breast Screening (BSP) Programme
Breast Cancer Care
Breast screening leaflet can also be downloaded from:
The nurses are also able to give women relevant advice about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and contraception where this is required. Repeat prescriptions of HRT and contraceptive pills can also be obtained from the well-woman nurse every six months with the prior agreement of your doctor.
All patients are encouraged to have a blood pressure check at approximately three to five year intervals, especially if there is a family history of raised BP.
You have made an appointment to have a coil fitted/removed. Please read the instructions below.
Best time to fit a coil is the tail end of a period .
You need to be sure there is no risk of pregnancy when fitting a coil so this means one of the below:
1.Either taking hormonal contraception for the past 3 weeks (Please continue taking the pill if you are already on it)
2.Abstain from sex for 3 weeks before the coil fitting.
3.Having no sex from the first day of your period, until the coil fitting appointment
This is due to the fact that a pregnancy test will only become positive 3 weeks after unprotected sex/missed pills
Coil removal- Abstain from sex for 7 days before your appointment for coil removal/refitting.
On the day of your appointment please bring a urine sample. Specimen pots can be collected from the reception desk.
Please do not bring babies and children to the appointment.
If you arrive late for your appointment you will have to rebook.